Heat stroke
What is Heat stroke?
Heat stroke is a form of abnormally elevated body temperature that can reach to 41 degrees or even more.... unlike less severe forms of elevated body temperature Heat stroke is a medical emergency that can be fatal if not well treated.
Normally, the body generates heat and is able to get rid of it by radiating it through the skin and the evaporation of sweat... However, in extreme hot weather, vigorous exertion under the sun and high humidity the body's temperature rises and the normal mechanisms can no longer sustain the normal range of body temperature...
Who are the most susceptible to getting a Heat stroke?
- Infants
- The elderly ( associated with heart or lung or kidney problems )
- Athletes
- Outdoor workers
How can I know I got Heat stoke?
sometimes a person may get the symptoms of heat exhaustion before those of heat stoke. Symptoms of heat exhaustion include:
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Weakness
- Headache
- Muscle cramps
- Dizziness
However some people experience Heat Strokes suddenly and without warning...
Symptoms of Heat Stroke include:
- High body temperature
- NO sweating and Dry skin
- Rapid pulse
- Difficulty in breathing
- hallucination
- Disorientation
- Seizures
- Coma
What are the first aid measures i can offer to such a patient?
Heat stroke patients should receive immediate treatment to avoid permanent organ damage...
- Get the victim to a shady area, remove his clothing, apply cold or tap water to his skin, fan him to promote sweating and evaporation, put ice under his arm pits and groin.
- Call an ambulance, If it's going to take them long to arrive they will instruct you with further procedures
How can I avoid Heat Stroke?
- Most importantly avoid dehydration and intense physical exertion in hot humid weather
- Always drink plenty of fluids if you have to perform physical activity in such conditions
- put on light coloured, lightweight, loose clothing
- Take frequent breaks to rehydrate yourself
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