This will be the first article in a series of 10 articles about the Top 10 Summer Health Hazards you need to avoid...
Skin cancer:
Over one million patient is diagnosed every year by skin cancer. Skin cancer is usually easy to treat provided that it is caught early.
We can further categorize the skin cancer into 2 categories:
1- Melanoma:
It's by far due to prolonged exposure to sunlight, it can also arise on top of a simple naevus and more common in fair coloured skin races.
So, How can i differentiate between a malignant melanoma and a simple naevus??
. A naevus is can be any size ranging from less than 1.5 cm in diameter to over 20 cm. (so, it's not about the size)
. If you find your naevus to be rapidly growing, itching, painful, changing in colour, bleeding or ulcerating consult your doctor immediately.
. Always check your skin for any deep coloured lesions and make your partner check those parts you can't have a good look at.
2- Non-Melanoma:
Either Basal cell carcinoma ( AKA rodent ulcer ) or Squamous cell carcinoma...
some factors as prolonged sun exposure ultraviolet rays or decreased immunity can increase your susceptibility to getting it.
.suspect non-melanomatous skin cancer if you find any painless swelling on your skin or a growing ulcer that is resistant to treatment.
Finally, always wear sunscreens before going out by day and consult your dermatologist if you suspect any skin lesion... remember skin cancer is curable if caught early.
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